
Ancient images FINALLY added under the Ancients section of Characters. I also designated which Ancient correlates to which OC (or, in Endymion's case, NPC).
I also made a fanfiction section. It needs to be worked on, but, for now, it just has a link that goes directly to AO3.To Do List:
* Add fanfiction snippets and the actual fanfic itself directly here instead of directing it elsewhere
* Make images accessible
* Get rid of alignments
Updates and junk. Website might appear wonky or something. Apologies ahead of time for any possible issues.
Updates done for now. Added an actual consistent header/footer. Also uploaded some more gpose shots and VN snippets.1/12/2025
Added another visual novel snippet. That's all I'm doing today. I stayed up late working on the snippet. And other than a short fanfiction snippet, I am taking a creativity break today.
Yes. There's a typo on one of the images. I'll fix it lateeeer.1/10/2025
More snippets added to the visual novel section. That's all I have time for because the Koana x Gale snippet was a pain to do. ;-; The game kept crashing... And it's a rather long snippet, so...yeah... Pretty sure it's the longest one yet.
Color scheme changed! Button colors changed. Text color, font size, and font type also changed. Also spaced out the about text better because, oh my God, wall o' text. Also changed the divider style and colors. That should be everything aesthetic-wise~
Add more images to the GPose section.
Reorganized the ships section. I also fixed up the navigation and added an additional navigation bar to the bottom of each page. Also finally put Gale's info under his actual page instead of under Zalera. Also updated his page because it was just wrong????
I am slowly working on the buttons right now. Sorry if things are off/awkward for a bit. ;;Okay. I'm done for now. Color scheme will be getting changes (the buttons, too, maybe...). Yes. This doesn't look great right now. I'M SORRY.1/6/2025
Visual novel snippet added. Also added a new ship under the ship list, but I don't have a good image of it right now. That's all I have time for tonight. ^^;;
Finally gave Inomi her own separate page. Also threw the server links under characters because the navigation bar was becoming very cluttered. At least for the home page. I'll fix up the navigation on the other pages later.
Added a little thing to the about section and the social media account for Inomi.I am very tired, so that's all I'm doing tonight. x.x1/2/2024
To do list:
* Make website prettier
* Give Inomi and Gale separate pages
* Make all links into buttons
* Make page for the Ancient versions (Selene, Eos, Endymion (even if he's still Raha, it's important to note), and Persephone)
* If posting fanfiction (I don't know... glares at AI), add link for it...
* Also make images more accessible
* Update alignments...because some characters have been retconned from when I originally made them and not all their alignments work now. Or maybe get rid of alignments? Undecided. People are complex.
Happy new year~
Working on this for a bit while waiting for fooood...
For ease of use, I've updated all of the pages to include the links bar. I also changed the back button at the bottom of the pages into the home button.Added Blue Sky link to the about page.12/28/2024
I added another part to the About section... Mainly because I have anxiety and friendships are difficult for me, so... I'm constantly worried I'm stepping on someone's toes. x.x
Titled the visual novel snippets and added an additional one. Also, finally made and added info to the about section. I am tired, so that's it for today.
Fixed minor things in Manadis and Inomi's bios. Things like phrasing and, in the case of Manadis, I noticed her old name was still in a few places...
Testing things. Please excuse possible site wonkiness.Okay. GPose and visual novel galleries added. Will make them more accessible and whatnot later. Time for dinner and raiding.12/25/2024
Upgraded my computer today, so I literally didn't have much time for anything. Updated the ships section to include an image of Antonius and Liana.
Dbasjdbsajdba. I realized there's a typo in Inomi's bio. >< Fixed it.12/24/2024
Other than the Ships and About Me section, everything should be in working order~
Banner updated. Inomi updated. Might just create a separate link for her because including every expansion will make her profile obnoxiously long compared to everyone else's. x.x ...I might also give Gale his own page for similar reasons.
...Otherwise, it is done. Everyone's profiles are finally up to date. T-T collapses from exhaustion12/20/2024
Having to constantly update the ages every year is a pain.... So I don't think I'm going to be doing that anymore unless it gets in the way of character lore type stuff. [looks at Okogoshi and Yukime, who both need an update age-wise]
A lot of stuff will be getting retconned at some point when I get to addressing the actual profiles instead of just the images...Okay. All images are good to go.Actually updating the profiles is going to take a while...12/19/2024
Oof. It's been forever since I updated this. @_@ Okay. Working on it. Gradually...
Most of the Balmung girl images have been updated. That's all I have time for today, unfortunately. :/Also added a ships section, but it's currently broken. Don't cliiiick. D:1/3/2022
It's been a while since I updated this website. So...to do list?
1. Update character profiles
2. Add About Me section
3. Add role play themes section???
4. Update images
5. Any other updates that might be needed
This will all take some time to get done as a result of real life obligations and also just general FF14 stuff, like leveling Dancer, Astrologian, and my crafting and gathering stuff as well as doing new content when I can. I will try to get all of this done as soon as I can, though.1/18/2021
Updated all the character profiles to have voice claims. The only one missing a voice actor is Akimi, and that's just because she's still too young. I have no idea what a good voice for her would be.
I had a bad day yesterday, so I didn't get anything done for this site. Thankfully, today's better, so the profiles are all pretty much done. The blank spots are just things that currently don't apply for certain characters, such as the pets section. Not all of my characters have one, at this time. Also, the site is now live!
Edit: Fixed typos on Kuwano, Daedalus, and Lliendia's pages.1/12/2021
Text has been added to most of the profiles. Coeurl, Diabolos, and Zalera have been added as have their associated characters (the images, at least).
The carrd has been created! It's very much in WIP mode right now, though. The commissioned art gallery has been made, and credits have been given accordingly. As far as character profiles go, the images have been added.

Selene/Azem (Inomi)

Eos (Kurohana)

Endymion (G'raha)

Persephone (Gale)

Name: Gale Emory
Time Bubble Age: 29
Non-Time Bubble Age: 35
Namedate/Birthday: 20th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon/April 20
Guardian: Thaliak
Height: 5'9"
Hair: Short, brown, unkempt
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Male
Race: MIdlander Hyur
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa
Alignment: Lawful Good
Job/Class: Bard, Warrior, Dragoon, Monk, Samurai, Dark Knight, Paladin, Viper
Occupation: Warrior of Light
Gale was born and raised on the Summerford Farms. He grew up listening to tales of adventure from his parents, friends, and random strangers.ARR:Upon becoming of age, Gale joined the marauder's guild. Once he was sufficiently skilled in using an axe, he found himself joining the adventurer's guild. Shortly after, his adventures became more than that as a result of him discovering a blue magical crystal while assisting La Noscea with its various issues...He joined the Scions soon after when Y'shtola introduced him to them. He then went on to fight various Primals and assisted the Scions in other ways, quickly earning the title of Warrior of Light.Heavensward:Following being framed for Nanamo's supposed death, Gale was a mess. Though he assisted with ending the Dragonsong War, he also frequently visited the tavern to drink himself into a stupor. It was only after recovering all of the Scions (except Yda and Papalymo) that he finally stopped. During this time, he became close to Alphinaud and Alisaie, seeing them both as his younger siblings.Stormblood:While Inomi assisted with Gyr Abania, Gale went overseas to the Far East and assisted them with their own problems with the Garleans among other things. He only returned to assist with Gyr Abania after everything was handled in the Far East.Shadowbringers:Gale was left in the Source and assisted it with its various issues while Inomi was away in the First. He mostly assisted Gaius with dealing with the various Weapons during this time.When G'raha awoke from the Crystal Tower and joined the Scions, Gale instantly grew to like the red-haired miqo'te and the two became close friends.Endwalker:Gale and Inomi worked together alongside the Scions in preventing the Final Days. Upon reaching Ultima Thule, he went missing with Thancred and only returned once Inomi sought out help from Hades and Hythlodaeus.After the Scions had been teleported away back to the Ragnarok, Gale remained behind to assist Inomi and her Reflections in fighting Endsinger.Dawntrail:Gale traveled to Tural with Inomi and did most of the heavy lifting due to Inomi's distracted state. Once G'raha joined them, Gale no longer had to work as hard as he had been, much to his relief.During this time, Gale noticed that he has started developing feelings of his own for Koana...but he has kept them to himself. He also doesn't understand how G'raha hasn't noticed Inomi's own feelings yet.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Scott McNeil

Name: Inomi Yonezu
Time Bubble Age: 20
Non-Time Bubble Age: 26
Namedate/Birthday: 5th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 5
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Height: 5’
Hair: Pink ombre, waist length
Eyes: Scarlet
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: A town beneath the Ruby Sea (I will name it later)
Residence: Ward 12, The Topmast, Apartment #28, Mist, La Noscea (See Akimi for the Lavender Beds address)
Pets: Tadako (Shiba Inu)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Job/Class: Bard, Dancer
Occupation: Warrior of Light, Azem
Inomi was born in a poor family as a result of her father's ongoing gambling debts. In an effort to pay off those debts, Inomi was sold to a brothel at the age of 5. She was then subsequently raised and trained by the brothel for when she would eventually come of age.
Because of her life in the brothel, Inomi knew little of the world on the surface. She only knew of the Garlean occupation, and that her people were forbidden from assisting unless they wished to be ostracized from the small town beneath the sea.Regardless, Inomi always had a zeal for adventure. At the age of 14, she ran away from the brothel and wandered to the surface, soon finding herself within Kugane. It was here that she soon struggled with financially supporting herself. Thankfully, it wasn't long before she encountered Okogoshi Tokiyaiba and her fiance, Daedalus.Inomi was given the choice to live in the Lavender Beds where she helped to take care of the estate held by the couple until they returned from their escapades in Othard. She also received lessons from the archer guild.ARR:At the age of 16, Inomi traveled to Thanalan and helped it with its various issues. She met Thancred in the process and was recruited into the Scions. She was not present during Nanamo's supposed poisoning. Instead, she had been in Mor Dhona dealing with the fallout from the Crystal Braves.She also met and befriended an orphaned miqo'te by the name of M'linh. The two instantly took a shining to each other and became siblings.She also met G'raha during this time period and assisted him with the Crystal Tower. The two became close friends, and Inomi regularly spoke with him about his Allagan studies.Heavensward:Inomi remained in Mor Dhona and spent most of her time helping the Rising Stones recover.Stormblood:Inomi assisted Gyr Abania in fighting for its freedom from Garlemald, but she did not travel to the Far East to assist it as a result of not wanting to deal with the issues that would arise should she run into any of the people from her hometown. She only traveled to the Far East to assist with any Primal threats.During this time period, Inomi moved into an apartment in Mist; however, Daedalus murdered Okogoshi and left their daughter behind. As a result, Inomi adopted Akimi and has regularly continued to take care of the house. She intends to do so until the daughter is old enough to inherit the house.Shadowbringers:Inomi was pulled into the First by G'raha. Upon meeting him at the Crystarium, she instantly knew and recognized the Crystal Exarch as him. She played along regardless and instantly trusted him as a result of their shared past.Following the events at Mt. Gulg, Inomi fell head over heels for G'raha, but she did not (and still does not) know how to deal with it. She has kept her feelings from him out of not wanting to burden him with them...believing he solely sees her as a friend and nothing more.Endwalker:Gale and Inomi worked together alongside the Scions to help prevent the Final Days. G'raha's sacrifice hit Inomi the hardest, resulting in the twins needing to console her.Dawntrail:Inomi and Gale, once more, worked together within Tural, which was fortunate because G'raha's absence caused Inomi to miss him and spend most of her time spacing out. When G'raha eventually reunited with them, Inomi held back her giddiness and simply greeted him the same way she always does.Since everything has largely calmed down (other than Sphene's reappearance), Inomi has found it increasingly difficult to keep her feelings hidden and she fears the day he finds out and either rejects her or withdraws from her out of concern from not wanting to hurt her.Since Sphene's original death, she has also privately been hard on herself. No one knows this...except for her and her brother, who always comforts her.Faceclaim: Tsubasa Honda
Voiceclaim: Ai Kayano

The Balmung Girls

Name: Yukime Sonoda
Time Bubble Age: 30
Non-Time Bubble Age: 36
Namedate/Birthday: 17th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon/February 17
Guardian: Halone, the Fury
Height: 5’
Hair: Black, waist-length
Eyes: Ice blue
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Kugane
Alignment: Good
Job/Class: Onmyoji
Occupation: Former Teacher
Yukime grew up in Kugane. Surrounded by its trade and acceptance of foreigners, she learned about the world through the various items sold by the merchants. As a child, it was not odd for her to ask the merchants about the lands they came from.Having been gifted with magic, her parents hired a tutor to help her control her abilities. Ice, in particular, seemed to be her specialty. She seemed to lack any ability to also utilize fire. Despite her tutor’s best attempts, Yukime could not learn to wield fire. In the meantime, her specialization in ice led to her finding ways to use it uniquely for herself.As an adult, Yukime now has mastery over her magic and often uses it for mundane purposes, such as lowering the temperature around her on hot days or making ice cubes.While her life has remained ordinary, she does know how to use her spells to defend herself. She often practices and seeks out new ways to challenge her abilities.Since Okogoshi's death, Yukime has been staying at Inomi and Akimi's home to watch over Akimi during Inomi's frequent absences.Faceclaim: Haruna Kawaguchi
Voiceclaim: Nana Mizuki

Name: Akimi Linette Yonezu (formerly Carvilius)
Time Bubble Age: 16 (Future Version)
Non-Time Bubble Age: 4
Namedate/Birthday: 31st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 31
Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner
Height: Tiny
Hair: Brown with blonde streaks
Eyes: Green with dark green limbal rings
Gender: Female
Race: 1/3 Raen Au Ra, 1/3 Garlean, 1/3 Midlander Hyur
Birthplace: Kugane
Residence: Ward 11, Lily Hills Subdivision, Plot #31, The Lavender Beds Subdivision, The Black Shroud
Pets: See Okogoshi
Alignment: Good
Job/Class: Tiny Thrower
Occupation: Tiny Creature Who Runs Around and Throws Random Objects
Akimi was born to the formerly happy, loving parents, Okogoshi Tokiyaiba and Daedalus Carvilius. When she was not under the careful eyes of her parents, she was often taken care of by her aunt, Kuwano Tokiyaiba. Occasionally, she would even be taken care of by Inomi should Oko and Daedalus venture through Eorzea.Following the murder of her mother by her father and nearly also being murdered as well, Akimi has since been formally adopted by Inomi. She has also been given her newly adopted mother’s name. Sometimes when Inomi is out on adventures, she is allowed to accompany her. Other times, Yukime takes care of her instead.Faceclaim:
Note: Akimi is here for informational purposes. Do not lewd the child character. I will block you so much if you do.

Name: Haruko Makino
Time Bubble Age: 117
Non-Time Bubble Age: 123
Namedate/Birthday: 29th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 29
Guardian: Althyk, the Keeper
Height: 5’
Hair: Flaming red, mid-back length
Eyes: Emerald green
Gender: Female
Race: Kitsune
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Namai
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Job/Class: Astrologian
Occupation: Farm girl
Haruko grew up in Namai, Yanxia. Aside from being under Garlean occupation, her life was fairly quiet. Because of what she is, she has remained hidden in disguise as a young Raen who often helps out a farm family as their adopted daughter. When she is not tending to the farm fields, she wanders aimlessly around Yanxia until finding anything that piques her interest.Faceclaim: Suzu Hirose
Voiceclaim: Chiwa Saito

Name: Narangerel Dotharl
Time Bubble Age: 20
Non-Time Bubble Age: 26
Namedate/Birthday: 16th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon/September 16
Guardian: Azeyma, the Warden
Height: 4'7"
Hair: Dark blue, curly
Eyes: Brown with dark brown limbal rings
Gender: Female
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Dotharl Khaa
Alignment: Lawful Good
Job/Class: Shaman
Occupation: Sorceress, Medic
From the beginning, Narangerel had been talented with magic, especially fire spells. Through she is of the Dotharl tribe, she has a distaste for violence. Instead, her magic is often used to cauterize wounds or assist her tribe in other ways. Only rarely does she participate in battles and often it is because she has no choice in the matter. Nonetheless, she remains a part of the tribe, and tends to it as best as she can.Faceclaim: Jing Tian
Voiceclaim: Sayaka Ohara

Name: Yumi Antares
Time Bubble Age: 21
Non-Time Bubble Age: 27
Namedate/Birthday: 21st Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon/May 21
Guardian: Thaliak, the Scholar
Height: 5’
Hair: Violet, short
Eyes: Forest green
Gender: Female
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Old Sharlayan
Alignment: Lawful Good
Job/Class: Ninja
Occupation: Aether researcher
Yumi grew up in Old Sharlayan. She was exposed to a robust education, and learned to have a fondness for learning about anything and everything. Though she was given several opportunities to visit the colony in Eorzea, she never did and preferred to remain home surrounded by whatever books she could get her hands on.Though she studies aether, she has no talent or skill with magic. As a result, she has taken to studying other magic users and occasionally visits the magic guilds and the ruins from the Magi War. She also has a habit of visiting the Gubal Library in search of further information even though the library tends to be extremely dangerous.Faceclaim: Sophie Turner
Voiceclaim: Mela Lee

Name: Manadis Golmarr
Time Bubble Age: 54
Non-Time Bubble Age: 60
Namedate/Birthday: 24th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon/August 24
Guardian: Nophica, the Matron
Height: 6’
Hair: White, mid-back length
Eyes: Amber
Gender: Female
Race: Viera
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Dating Reginleif
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Alignment: Neutral
Job/Class: Red Mage
Occupation: Herbalist, alchemist
Like most Viera, Manadis grew up within the Wood. After Garlemald invaded and took control of Ivalice, she wandered away from her home and remained hidden within the forest to ambush any soldiers who dared to step foot into the forest. Eventually, word reached the commander of the region and she ended up being captured after being lured into a trap.For some time, she was held captive in Rabanastre’s royal prison cells. While imprisoned, she befriended a sky pirate to help break the both of them free. They escaped through the water passageways beneath Rabanastre and stole an Imperial airship. The sky pirate betrayed her soon after, and sold her into prostitution.The prostitution ring Manadis had been sold into eventually led her to Ul'dah. It was while servicing a client in Ul'dah that she finally managed to escape.She worked at a local tavern while learning alchemy and herbology in her free time. Though she misses the Wood and wishes to return home, she knows she no longer can. Manadis' time away from the Wood has resulted in her no longer being able to hear the Wood, which means she is now an outcast among the Viera.Eventually, Manadis opened her own alchemical shop and now sells her own elixirs and potions. She also met and befriended Reginleif, whom she began a relationship with.Faceclaim: Nafessa Williams
Voiceclaim: Enuka Okuma

Name: Morta Libitina
Time Bubble Age: 22
Non-Time Bubble Age: 28
Namedate/Birthday: 16th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 16
Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner
Height: 5'5"
Hair: Black, waist-length, curly
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Female
Race: Midlander Hyur
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Ishgard
Alignment: Neutral
Job/Class: Black Mage
Occupation: Maid, mercenary, courtesan
Morta was born in the Brume. Because her family could barely afford to feed themselves, they sold her into prostitution while she was still very young. As a child, she served at various houses and mainly assisted with chores, such as changing the bedding or delivering food and drinks. Once she reached puberty, she began servicing various clients.During her teenage years, she and various other women of her trade were captured by a group of Garlean soldiers during their travels between cities. During their capture, they were treated harshly and interrogated. It was during one of these interrogations that Morta managed to turn the tools against her tormentor and awakened her magical abilities. After murdering the soldier, she fled to the nearest settlement. Eventually, she made her way to Ul'dah to further learn how to use her newly found abilities.Needing to have a means of making a living, she returned to selling her body while occasionally working as a mercenary or maid. It depended on what was available, and where her magic skill level was at. Sometimes her different jobs conveniently overlapped one another.Morta met Gale during the Dragonsong War. The two arranged for Morta to send any information she was able to gather on Thordan and the Heavensward to Gale and the other Scions. In the process, she met Inomi during a trip to Mor Dhona. The two became close friends.Her services eventually took her to Gyr Abania and Yanxia to gather intel on Garlean activity and distribute it to the Scions.Following Inomi's return from the First, Morta has been trying to help Inomi conquer her shyness and confess her feelings to G'raha. ...Her attempts, so far, have been unsuccessful.Faceclaim: Crystal Reed
Voiceclaim: Tara Platt

Name: Osumiyo Zuyone
Time Bubble Age: 26
Non-Time Bubble Age: 32
Namedate/Birthday: 18th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon/July 18
Guardian: Thaliak, the Scholar
Height: 5’
Hair: Blue ombre, straight, waist-length
Eyes: Cobalt blue
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Sui-no-Sato
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Job/Class: Scholar
Occupation: Sorceress, former lady-in-waiting
Osumiyo was born within the aristocracy of Sui-no-Sato. She was given an extensive education about the world and its affairs as well as in arcanima. Once becoming a teenager, she was given work within the palace before eventually becoming a lady-in-waiting to the princess once she reached adulthood. Osumiyo did not retain the role, and left the Ruby Sea behind as soon as she could.During her travels, she found her way to La Noscea and stumbled upon the ruins of Nym. When searching through them out of curiosity, she found a scholar’s soulstone. She has used her newfound abilities ever since.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Fumiko Orikasa

Name: Reginleif Framtio
Age: Several thousand years old, appears to be in her late twenties
Namedate/Birthday: 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon/January 16
Guardian: Halone
Height: 5'1"
Hair: Short, platinum blonde
Eyes: Violet
Gender: Female
Race: Wyrm
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Dating Manadis
Birthplace: The Aery
Alignment: Neutral
Job/Class: Warrior
Occupation: Mercenary
Born to the great wyrm, Nidhogg, Reginleif grew up to know the lands of Dravania well. She mingled with the Elezen and others, and came to learn their common language as well as learned to wield an axe once she discovered the ability to take a humanoid form. She came to care for mankind, and often helped them defend themselves from various creatures.After her father sought revenge for the death of his sister and began the Dragonsong War, Reginleif reluctantly joined him to carry out his vengeance. As the war went on and the suffering continued, she began to withdraw from her brood and everyone else. Eventually, she hid away within a secluded cave until an Elezen woman came to her for help and made a pact. Even after the woman died, Reginleif remains faithful to the pact.Later, she encountered and befriended Manadis. The two began a relationship shortly after.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

The Balmung Boys

Name: Antonius jen Carteius
Time Bubble Age: 29
Non-Time Bubble Age: 35
Namedate/Birthday: 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 25
Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner
Height: 5'9"
Hair: White
Eyes: Emerald green
Gender: Male
Race: Garlean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Garlemald
Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral
Job/Class: Gunbreaker
Occupation: Magitek engineer
Antonius grew up under a strict household. His freedoms were extremely limited by his parents. He often spent his days under various private tutors learning about different languages, geography, cultures, beast tribes, eikons, history, especially the history of Garlemald and Allag, etc. Once reaching the age of ten, combat training in the use of a sword, gun, and gunblade were added to his daily routine. As a teenager, he began to rebel against the strict life he was forced to live. He often snuck into bars to get drunk and have several sexual encounters, and often either missed the day’s lessons or arrived late. This infuriated Antonius’ father, and led to him sending Antonius to boarding school until he reached adulthood.Once his education at the boarding school was complete, Antonius enrolled into the Magitek Academy. He spent the next six years of his life devoted to his strenuous studies until finally graduating from the academy. Afterwards, he joined Garlemald’s military.Soon after, he met and befriended the princess, Liana. As the two frequently ran into each other, Liana soon recruited him to assist her in removing her father from the throne so he could no longer seek out conquest. Unfortunately, Zenos quickly ruined those plans.Antonius eventually helped escort Liana out Garlemald and traveled with her to the Black Shroud to keep her safe as Garlemald fell under Zenos' sway. Following the Final Days being stopped, Antonius traveled back to Garlemald with Liana to help rebuild the kingdom.Faceclaim: Toby Regbo
Voiceclaim: Sean Chiplock

Name: M'loric Tia
Time Bubble Age: 22
Non-Time Bubble Age: 28
Namedate/Birthday: 25th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon/December 25
Guardian: Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Gyr Abania
Alignment: Neutral
Job/Class: Monk
Occupation: Thief, mercenary
M'loric grew up in a Garlean occupied Gyr Abania. He and his tribe often struggled with hunting and surviving under the Imperials, especially since the battle that had been fought between Ala Mhigo and Garlemald had left much of Gyr Abania as a wasteland. To help his tribe, M'loric began to steal from the Imperials during the night whenever they set up camp or patrolled the area. Because he couldn’t risk attracting their notice, he often left with pieces of gil, small weapons, and maybe a few small snacks, such as nuts.One night as a teenager, he tried to steal from the wrong soldier and was nearly beaten to death. Afterwards, the soldier and his unit made an example of M'loric to his tribe and threatened them. When the soldier and his unit left, M'loric’s sister immediately tended to his wounds while the Nunh warned him to stay away from the Imperials in the future.Naturally, M'loric did not listen to anyone in his tribe and continued to steal from the soldiers. After being caught in the middle of stealing yet again, he did the one thing he had refrained from doing until that moment. He killed the soldier before making a run for it. While initially hesitant with the idea of killing anyone, he has since become comfortable with murdering anyone to save himself.Knowing his tribe would not approve of what he was doing, he left Gyr Abania at the age of seventeen and joined a poacher tribe in the Black Shroud. Having had several run ins with the Adders, he felt he had become too recognizable. As a result, he relocated to Ul'dah at the age of twenty-one and lived his life as a street rat.This did not last long before he ran into Yumi, who befriended and assisted him into a comfortable life once more.Even though things have improved in Gyr Abania, M'loric has not returned out of a sense of shame for causing his tribe so much trouble during his younger days.Faceclaim: Taylor Lautner
Voiceclaim: Zeno Robinson

Name: Arluin Chevalier
Time Bubble Age: 21
Non-Time Bubble Age: 26
Namedate/Birthday: 25th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon/September 25
Guardian: Halone, the Fury
Height: 6'9"
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Male
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Ishgard
Alignment: Lawful Good
Job/Class: Dragoon, Pictomancer
Occupation: Knight
Having spent his whole life in Ishgard, Arluin is not unfamiliar with war and loss. Nonetheless, he grew up with a fondness for art and chose to pursue learning to paint. The richness of what he could paint brought joy to him due to the stark contrast with Ishgard’s white and gray eternal winter that had come to be as a result of Dalamud’s fall.He did have some combat skill. His parents had made certain of that. As a child, he began to be trained in the use of a lance so that he could protect himself from the dragons that entered Ishgard. This training would end up coming into use after his father died during the war when Arluin was seventeen. He immediately joined Ishgard’s military and trained relentlessly until he could avenge his father, which he did at the age of nineteen. Even so, he continued to hate the dragons and was displeased when the Dragonsong War finally ended.He continues to faithfully serve Ishgard, but looks forward to hurting any dragons that bring even the slightest bit of trouble. His father’s death left him as cold as Ishgard’s frigid winters.Or, at least, that was the case until he met Narangerel...who managed to get him out of his shell and helped him to once more experience life. Not wanting to continue to pull Nara into the darkness of his past, he has given up the lance and once more reached for the paintbrush.Faceclaim: Torrance Coombs
Voiceclaim: Christopher Sabat

Name: James Kogami
Time Bubble Age: 23
Non-Time Bubble Age: 26
Namedate/Birthday: 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 25
Guardian: Thaliak, the Scholar
Height: 5'9"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Silver
Gender: Male
Race: Midlander Hyur
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Birthplace: Sharlayan Colony
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Job/Class: Blue Mage
Occupation: Historian, archaeologist
James is of mixed heritage, and has a Doman mother and a Sharlayan father. Right after Doma was taken over by Garlemald, James' parents met in Kugane. As news spread about Doma being taken over, James' father promised to help his mother find sanctuary. The two traveled overseas together, fell for one another, and eventually arrived in Dravania. It was here that James was born and raised until the Forum chose to leave the Sharlayan Colony behind. It was also here that James began his studies in magic.After the colony was abandoned, James and his parents relocated to Ishgard. Under his father’s tutelage, James continued to study and refine his magic abilities. He also began to practice fencing and swordsmanship.Once turning eighteen, he began to travel across Eorzea. While in the Black Shroud, he met an Auri conjurer and later fell in love with her. The two married shortly after, but the marriage did not last long. While learning how to use conjuring magic under her guidance, James abruptly found the world in darkness. When he regained consciousness, he discovered his wife cut into pieces. Overwhelmed by sorrow and rage, he did everything he could to hunt down her killer. He never found them.A few months later, James met and fell in love with an Auri gladiator while visiting the thaumaturge guild in Ul'dah. The two began to travel together as James sought to continue delving into his studies on magic, and she sought to keep him safe. After they had traveled together for about a month, the two confessed their feelings for one another. A year later, they married. The following year, she became pregnant. That same year, James lost her and the child. As before, he passed out and woke up to discover his pregnant wife’s mangled body.Renewed with sorrow and vengeance, James has begun to travel the world in search of any leads that could taken him to the killer of those he loves. In between seeking out information, he excavates ruins and researches ancient magic, especially black and white magic so that he can one day destroy whoever or whatever has ruined his life.Faceclaim: Yuki Furukawa
Voiceclaim: Mark Hildreth

Name: Artorius Ingram
Age: Appears to be in his forties
Namedate/Birthday: 19th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 19
Guardian: Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Amaranthine, unkempt, shoulder-length
Eyes: Amber
Gender: Male
Race: Midlander Hyur
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Allag
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Job/Class: Summoner
Occupation: Magistrate, summoner, former soldier
Born within one of the impoverished areas of Allag, Artorius has known struggle all his life. Despite his circumstances, he managed to do well in the education system and supplemented his learning by frequently visiting the library and study groups. During his teenage years, he began to participate in the political system of his school. Once completing his education, he served in the Empire’s military where he learned combat strategies and continued to practice his charismatic skills. Eventually, his military service came to an abrupt end when the Empire fell.Eras have gone by since Allag’s fall. What Artorius has been up to since then is unknown.He once served as a magistrate to Garlemald just before Emperor Varis was killed by Zenos. Following that incident, Artorius hasn't been seen since.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Darin de Paul

The Mateus Girls

Name: Okogoshi “Oko” oen Tokiyaiba
Time Bubble Age: 26
Non-Time Bubble Age: 32
Namedate/Birthday: 5th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 5
Guardian: Menphina
Height: 5’
Hair: Pink ombre, shoulder-length
Eyes: Turquoise with dark turquoise limbal rings
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Ikiharo
Pets: Ryosuke (wolf), Hiinako (baby Pegasus), Hime (adult Pegasus), Kikuyo (fox)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Job/Class: Paladin, Samurai, Thaumaturge, Conjurer, Arcanist
Occupation: Soldier
Okogoshi grew up in Ikiharo, a small town near Monzen and Doma Castle. While under Garlean rule, her family worked behind the scenes with the Doman Resistance in an effort to stage a coup. Unfortunately, the rebellion was a failure. As a result, Okogoshi fled to Ul'dah under the alias of Isis Tokiha due to her familial ties. Later on, she met and fell in love with Daedalus Carvilius. With his assistance, she was able to clear her family’s name from the Garlean database.For a time, she was able to live her life under her true name and found bliss with her fiance. They even had a family on the way, and soon came to have a daughter they lovingly named after both their deceased mothers. Unfortunately, tragedy struck shortly afterwards, and Okogoshi was murdered by the man she had thought loved her as much as she loved him.She should have remained dead, but destiny had other plans for her. Revived by a Garlean scientist, Okogoshi has no memories of her family, daughter, or former fiance. All she has as a reminder of her tragic, short life is a horrendous scar running across her chest and back. As a result, she loyally served the Empire–the most vile of her enemies--just before it fell.Following its fall, Decima and Daedalus relocated elsewhere and continue to use her to kill others or act a bodyguard.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Ayako Kawasumi

Name: Solia tol Atiris
Time Bubble Age: 25
Non-Time Bubble Age: 31
Namedate/Birthday: 5th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon/November 5
Guardian: Halone
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Silver blue, mid-back length
Eyes: Emerald
Gender: Female
Race: Garlean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Garlemald
Alignment: Neutral Good
Job/Class: Lancer
Occupation: Soldier, Mercenary
Solia was born into one of Garlemald’s noble houses. As a child, she was trained to use guns and various forms of magitek. She was also taught to repair them if the wiring malfunctioned. Despite learning these skills, Solia had no interest in any of them. She often became unruly and tempestuous whenever such lessons came up. It was only her father’s abusive tendencies that quelled her disobedience.As a teenager, Solia enlisted into Garlemald’s military in an effort to escape her father. During one of her assignments, she was sent to Coerthas and encountered a dragoon. Enamored by his fighting style, she immediately sought out a lancer instructor.Solia continued to serve the Empire for some time before leaving it behind after hearing about Aulus mal Asina’s experiments. It was only at the insistence of Antonius and Liana that Solia returned to serving the Empire once more.Following the Empire's fall, Solia remained within Garlemald to assist what survivors she could. She was more than grateful when the Scions finally came to Garlemald and destroyed Anima. She has since been assisting Liana, Antonius, and the Ilsabard Contingent with helping restore some semblance of peace and order to the Garlean people.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Kira Buckland

Name: Liana wir Galvus
Time Bubble Age: 21
Non-Time Bubble Age: 27
Namedate/Birthday: 17th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon/August 17
Guardian: Azeyma
Height: 5'7"
Hair: Blonde, waist-length
Eyes: Cobalt blue
Gender: Female
Race: Garlean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Garlemald
Alignment: Lawful Good
Job/Class: Samurai
Occupation: Princess
Liana is the daughter of Varis zos Galvus and the sister of Zenos yae Galvus. She grew up with access to the best education Garlemald had to offer, ranging from studies in history and languages to magitek engineering and weaponry. Unlike her oldest sibling, Liana was quick to warm up to her peers and befriend them. Oftentimes, this resulted in her being lectured throughout her childhood and teenage years because she preferred socializing with her classmates instead of paying attention in class.Once reaching adulthood, Liana found herself drawn to swordsmanship and politics. Like Zenos, she took to effectively wielding a katana. She also began to frequently sit in on political meetings her father would participate in. She was eager to one day bring change to her home.Unfortunately, that change was not brought upon in the way she had hoped it would. When Garlemald fell, Liana was escorted away to the Black Shroud by Antonius where she stayed for a time until the Ilsabard Contingent freed Garlemald from Zenos and Fandaniel's control. Afterwards, Liana returned and has been working to help her people ever since.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Willow Johnson

Name: Kurohana Yamada
Age: 25
Namedate/Birthday: 5th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 5
Guardian: Azeyma
Height: 5’
Hair: Pink ombre, waist length
Eyes: Scarlet
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Sui-no-Sato
Alignment: Neutral Good
Job/Class: Dark Knight
Occupation: Adventurer
Kurohana was born in Sui-no-Sato and abandoned shortly after as a result of being an unwanted pregnancy. A man from Ul'dah took notice of her and took her in while on a business trip in the area. Because of Kurohana's appearance, she was often teased and bullied while growing up as a result of being one of the only Au Ra around at the time. She frequently fought back and got in trouble for it, especially when it was against the higher class children. Fearing for her safety, Kurohana’s adopted father hired a swordsman to train her. This led to Kurohana’s love for combat and adventure.Upon reaching adulthood, Kurohana took on the role of adventurer, and has been exploring the world ever since.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Sayaka Senbongi

The Mateus Boys

Name: Daedalus Jon oen Carvilius II
Time Bubble Age: 32
Non-Time Bubble Age: 38
Namedate/Birthday: 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 25
Guardian: Halone
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Brown with white streaks, short, greasy
Eyes: Green
Gender: Male
Race: ½ Garlean, ½ Midlander Hyur
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Divorced
Birthplace: Garlemald
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Job/Class: Machinist
Occupation: Magitek Engineer
Daedalus was born into a mixed family as a result of his father, Daedalus Carvilius I, marrying an Ul'dahn woman. Because of this, the family was often mistreated, especially once Daedalus was born. This resulted in the family being forced to live in poverty similar to non-Garlean citizens. This took a toll on the parents’ relationship, and the two often argued and cheated on one another. These were tendencies Daedalus would adopt later in his life.Growing up, Daedalus was not given a particularly well-rounded or impressive education. Because of his mixed heritage, he was forced into attending the same classes as non-Garlean citizens. Eventually, upon graduation, he enrolled into the military as a magitek engineer in the hopes of improving his economic status.During one of his military operations, he was sent to Doma to quell the rebellion that had grown in Monzen and Ikiharo. During the chaos of it all, he glimpsed a frightened auri girl desperately attempting to escape the onslaught. In a rare moment of pity, Daedalus turned on his comrades to assist the girl with her escape. He would regret this later as it resulted in him being kicked out of the military. His father, in retaliation to his son’s disobedience, murdered Daedalus’ mother while blaming both of them for their worsened position.Daedalus, seeking revenge and to regain favor with the Empire, left the Empire in pursuit of the girl he had helped save. In the process, he met and fell for a Gridanian woman named Diamanda Montgomery. For a few months, he was able to forget about his goal. The two eventually married, and had a seemingly happy marriage…at least until she cheated on him with his best friend. Afterwards, they divorced one another, and Daedalus returned to his hunt for the girl he had saved.Daedalus soon found his prey, and concocted his most elaborate plan to bring her down in the worst possible way…by falsifying a relationship with her only to betray her when she least expected it. It was a plan drawn out for two miserable years in which he yearned for nothing more than to kill her sooner. To quell his urges, he had an on and off again affair with his ex-wife until his plan could be completely fulfilled. Eventually, he was successful in Okogoshi’s downfall, and forever abandoned any connections he had made outside of Garlemald.Since then, he was reinstated into the military, and had been faithfully serving the Empire...at least until its fall. He is currently traveling alongside Decima to assist her with whatever she needs, as he's currently lost in what else to do with his life at this point.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Frank Carreno

The Goblin Girls

Name: Tatsumi Tsukiyabo
Time Bubble Age: 26
Non-Time Bubble Age: 32
Namedate/Birthday: 5th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon/October 5
Guardian: Azeyma
Height: 5’
Hair: Lavender ombre, short
Eyes: Pink
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Ikiharo (First)
Alignment: Neutral
Job/Class: Dark Knight
Occupation: Adventurer
Tatsumi is Okogoshi from the First. Her world experienced similar events of this world, but there were also differences. In her world, she was born to a family she was not close to, unlike the Okogoshi of the Source. She also never found love.Though her world lied on the brink of destruction, she continued to do what she could to assist it. At the same time, she utilized the Echo to alternate between worlds so that she could help with maintaining the balance between light and dark. Despite her good deeds, she also sought out profit from her various escapades.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Ayako Kawasumi

Name: Meimeiko Meiko
Time Bubble Age: 21
Non-Time Bubble Age: 27
Namedate/Birthday: 18th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon/May 18
Guardian: Rhalgr
Height: 3’
Hair: Aqua green
Eyes: Green
Gender: Female
Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Ul'dah
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Job/Class: White Mage
Occupation: Cultist High Priestess
Meimeiko grew up under an affluent family. Under their tutelage, she learned how to utilize economics and business models to continue their family business. Having no interest in such tasks, she ran off to Gridania at the age of fifteen and joined the conjurer’s guild. Though she spent several years learning and mastering conjury, she still found herself unsatisfied with life. It was not until she met Cathellia that she found herself in a position she could be satisfied with–head priestess of the cult that worships Cathellia and a myriad of other similar entities. She now regularly performs rituals and leads the cult in their prayers and wishes to their chosen entity.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Megan Hollingshead

Name: Morgana Fay
Age: Appears to be in her twenties
Namedate/Birthday: 22nd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon/April 22
Guardian: Nophica
Height: 3'1"
Hair: Black, mid-back length
Eyes: Violet
Gender: Female
Race: Eldritch Horror
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Space
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Job/Class: White Mage
Occupation: Sorceress
Morgana’s background is shrouded largely in mystery; although, there are rumors that speak of the destruction she has done in the past.At present, she takes on the form of a lalafell who claims to be from Limsa Lominsa. She regularly presents her healing services to others, and has been taken in by James to assist with the medical needs of himself and his associates.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Denise Gough

Name: Kikume Chiba
Time Bubble Age: 25
Non-Time Bubble Age: 31
Namedate/Birthday: 24th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon/July 24
Guardian: Althyk
Height: 5'2"
Hair: Lavender
Eyes: Amber
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Same town as Inomi
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Job/Class: White Mage
Occupation: Waitress
Kikume grew up alongside Inomi in a different brothel. As a result, the two became best friends. Because of how well she knows Inomi, she knew they would inevitably leave the underwater village one day. As a result, Kikume trained for the skills they would need for their trip as well as gradually gathered the necessary resources.Unfortunately, Inomi ran away from the brothel before Kikume was ready, effectively leaving her behind. Kikume has not forgiven her since then...and while Inomi has made a name for herself as the Warrior of Light, this is meaningless to Kikume...Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Ayana Taketatsu

The Goblin Boys

Name: Legais Sutir
Time Bubble Age: 31
Non-Time Bubble Age: 37
Namedate/Birthday: 13th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon/February 13
Guardian: Nophica
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Silver, waist length, unkempt
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Male
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Birthplace: Gridania
Alignment: Neutral
Job/Class: Bard
Occupation: Cultist
Legais was born in Gridania shortly after his mother was imprisoned for poaching and other illegal activities. As a result, he was orphaned and spent his life struggling for basic necessities due to never being adopted. At fourteen, he was kicked out of the orphanage for unruly behavior. Tired of struggling, he wandered into the Black Shroud in hopes of finding better luck. At sixteen, he met another miqo'te, Adaris, who taught him basic survival skills after he was nearly killed by a gnat. The two became close and frequently performed illegal activities together. At nineteen, Legais married Adaris. At twenty-two, Legais lost his long time friend and lover during a robbery gone wrong.Consumed with rage and vengeance, Legais sought out the killers of his husband. Despite the years of training he had in tracking others, his hunt for the group went unresolved. At twenty-seven, Legais met Cathellia who promised to grant his vengeance in exchange for his service. After the agreement was made, Cathellia presented him with his quarry a few days later. He has remained faithful to her ever since.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: David Kaye

Name: Cathellia Caraway
Age: Appears to be in her thirties
Namedate/Birthday: 20th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon/July 20
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Height: 5'2"
Hair: Straight, short, white
Eyes: Silver
Gender: Female
Race: Eldritch Horror
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Space
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Job/Class: Astrologian
Occupation: Sorceress
Not much is known about Cathellia as far as her origins go. There are rumors that hint at her origin and what she has done, but they do not paint a clear picture.In her disguised form as a Raen, she can be found wandering around Ishgard, Coerthas, and Dravania. The background she has given herself is that she is a refugee from Doma’s wealthy class, and seeks to start her life anew within Ishgard. She currently resides within House Chevalier, and acts as an advisor to the matriarch of the household.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Tasia Valenza

Name: Decima kir Mettius
Time Bubble Age: 31
Non-Time Bubble Age: 37
Namedate/Birthday: 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon/September 17
Guardian: Thaliak
Height: 5'3"
Hair: Waist-length straight white hair, usually worn in a ponytail
Eyes: Amber
Gender: Female
Race: Garlean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Garlemald
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Job/Class: Sage
Occupation: Geneticist
Decima was born into a middle class family. He father worked in a manufacturing job while her mother worked as a merchant. Her life was whether mundane. Both of her parents attempted to raise and train her in their arts, but Decima held no interest. After being threatened with being forced to join the military during her teenage years as a result of having no aspirations for her future, Decima reluctantly began to educate herself further on Garlemald's markets. It was during such efforts that she ended up meeting a Garlean scientist who required certain goods in order to conduct his work. At first, the two exchanged idle banter until the scientist began to describe his work and successful previous projects. Afterwards, Decima immediately gave up her mercantile pursuits, much to her parents' chagrin. Instead, she began to study various sciences, and subsequently fell in love with biology and chemistry.As an adult, Decima joined Garlemald's scientific division and became a geneticist. She undertook various small and large projects, and, in her thirties, began to contribute to experiments seeking to make stronger soldiers for Garlemald's military. Since the emperor's death, she began to work under various royal family members seeking to augment themselves or others in a bid for the throne. She had also begun to study the Echo after learning of what occurred to Zenos.During this time, she revived Okogoshi simply to see if she could. Seeing as she was successful in doing so, Decima then employed the amnesiac woman to kill others or work as her bodyguard.After Garlemald's fall, Decima left the city behind with Daedalus and Okogoshi in tow.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Ali Hillis

Name: Kuwano Tokiyaiba
Time Bubble Age: 32
Non-Time Bubble Age: 38
Namedate/Birthday: 3rd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon/October 3
Guardian: Rhalgr
Height: 5'2"
Hair: Shoulder-length, blonde
Eyes: Turquoise
Gender: Female
Race: Raen Au Ra
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Ikiharo
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Job/Class: Black Mage
Occupation: Sorceress
As a child, Kuwano had always been gifted; though, not as much as her youngest sister, Ohana. She studied and practiced her magic voraciously. Recognizing their child's potential, her parents hired a private tutor for her since magic, for the most part, was not practiced in the family. Unfortunately, Kuwano was seen as reckless or frightening by her tutors, and this resulted in her parents cycling through various tutors until there was no one left. In addition, Kuwano's talents began to draw unwanted attention from the Empire. As a result, her parents forbade her from continuing to study and practice magic outside of their mansion.During her teenage years, Kuwano was invited into her family's plans of overthrowing the Empire from Yanxia. She would go on to perform various intel gathering and infiltration operations. Unfortunately, during her early twenties, this ended up being all for naught. Ikiharo was burned to the ground, and most of Kuwano's family was murdered or imprisoned. While Okogoshi survived and was able to escape to Ul'dah, Kuwano was not so fortunate. Like most of her family who had survived, she was imprisoned.Because of her powerful magical capabilities, the military chose to keep her alive and restrained so she would be unable to use her magic to break free or harm them. They also began to emotionally, mentally, and physically condition her throughout her twenties. Upon her thirtieth birthday, believing they had finally completely broken her into obediance, they released Kuwano from her restraints and cell. She subsequently vaporized everyone within the facility, including other captives. Since being freed, she has been seeking other means of becoming more powerful while killing anyone who gets in her way.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Tomosa Murata

Name: Lliendia Syth
Time Bubble Age: 26
Non-Time Bubble Age: 32
Namedate/Birthday: 18th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon/June 18
Guardian: Menphina
Height: 5'3"
Hair: Shoulder-length, brown
Eyes: Violet
Gender: Female
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Black Shroud
Alignment: Neutral Good
Job/Class: White Mage
Occupation: Adventurer
Lliendia was born and raised within the Black Shroud. Her family was largely nomadic, and made coin through the act of poaching. What they poached often ended up on the black market for exorbitant prices. Unfortunately, this way of living led to a violent confrontation between her parents and the Adders, resulting in the death of her parents. At five years of age, Lliendia only had her slightly older brother to care for her. The siblings would live their childhood and teenage years struggling to get by. The two often found themselves forced into stealing simply to survive.Upon reaching adulthood, the siblings went separate ways. Lliendia joined the conjurer's guild to better protect her brother. She trained for several years until reaching the age of twenty-five. She then reunited with her brother, who had become a paladin. The pair have been going on various ventures ever since in an attempt to get enough coin simply to acquire their own home to live in.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Christine Marie Cabanos

Art credits:
@pettankoprincess (Tumblr), @wistariaeyes (Tumblr), @pankratiast (Tumblr), SarahWidiyanti (Deviantart)
Unfortunately, carrd doesn't let me upload images bigger than 16 mb, so other commissioned pieces can be found here.

Inomi x Raha

Selene x Endymion

Gale x Koana

image placeholder

Morta x James

Reginleif x Manadis

Yumi x M'loric

Narangerel x Arluin

Antonius x Liana

- 18+ only- I am almost always available for rp.- NSFW stuff is fine as are other adult themes. Sex scenes should be done through private means, such as dms, Discord, etc. I don't want everything out in the open, please. ;-; I am shy. And I don't feel I write these scenes well as is.- I am perfectly fine with AUs.- I tend to lean towards long form rp, but I try to match my partner's style. I apologize if I end up writing too much, but you absolutely do NOT need to do the same.- I am open for collaboration for other things as well, such as gposing or storywriting.- I am not any of my characters. If any of them do anything you disagree with, please communicate with me, but don't assume I must also feel the way the character does. :/- I am not great at communicating. My writing ability is still ten times better than my speaking ability, but I am still human. If I ever say or do anything annoying or offensive, please let me know. Trying to be subtle about it is more than likely going to go right over my head and avoiding me or something else is just...hurtful, particularly when I don't even know what I did wrong. I am not intentionally trying to hurt or irritate you. :(- I already said this under Akimi's bio, but don't lewd her or any of the other child characters. I will block you so hard if you do.- I will update this section as needed, but I can't think of anything else for the moment.Social Media:

Name: Z'reneal Tia
Age: 30
Namedate/Birthday: 1st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon/August 1
Guardian: Thaliak
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Mid-back length, dark blue, typically braided
Eyes: Violet
Gender: Male
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Sharlayan
Alignment: Neutral Good
Job/Class: Bard, Paladin, White Mage, Black Mage
Occupation: Historian
Shortly after his birth, Z'reneal became an orphan. His mother died while giving birth to him, and his father had died a year earlier during an excavation gone wrong while in the Black Shroud. As a result, Z'reneal's early life was hectic. He was frequently given to various other family members to care for him only for them to pass him onto another family member. Eventually, at the age of seven, he was taken in by his grandfather in Gridania. From then on, his life stabilized, and his grandfather enrolled him into the archery guild to learn to defend himself and hunt. During his teenage years, he began to take on various assignments from the guild. This led to him traveling around the Shroud and becoming well acquainted with those who resided in and passed through the Shroud. It was during such an assignment in the North Shroud that he encountered a group of historians researching various relics and ancient ruins. Z'reneal became so intrigued by the history of Eorzea that he began to conduct his own research shortly after.His grandfather noticed Z'reneal's interest in Eorzea's history, and sent him to Sharlayan to further his studies. While in Sharlayan, Z'reneal also discovered an interest in music and magic. As a result, he also studied conjury, thaumaturgy, and various musical instruments before settling on the flute. Upon graduating from Sharlayan's academy, he sailed to Horizon's port to begin his return to Gridania. On the way, he stopped at Ul'dah to rest. While there, he stumbled upon a gladiator match. Noticing he was light on coin, he ended up participating in a round...only to easily be defeated. From the ages of eighteen to twenty, he joined the gladiator guild to train in swordsmanship. While training, he took part in various gladiator matches with mixed results until he had enough coin to comfortably return to Gridania.Once he had returned to Gridania, Z'reneal discovered his grandfather had fallen ill. He spent the year caring for his grandfather until his grandfather passed. At twenty-one, seeking to keep his mind distracted from his grandfather's death, Z'reneal joined NOAH's excavation efforts in Mor Dhona. After Syrcus Tower was closed and Azys Lla was opened up, Z'reneal left to study the various artifacts strewn around Azys Lla as well as various other historical sites. Throughout his twenties, his passion for history has taken him to locations such as the Sharlayan colony, Churning Mists, and Gyr Abania. At twenty-eight, he continues to seek enlightenment about different civilizations, whether they are living or long gone.Faceclaim:
Voiceclaim: Johnny Yong Bosch

Selene's New Friend

Every Lifetime

"In every lifetime, I will find you and I will love you."

Eternal Friendship

Transcendent Love

Koana's Doubts

Morta Teases Inomi

Inomi Starlight Shops

Inomi Wraps Gifts

Krile's Suggestion

G'raha's Gift

Starlight Gifts

Gale's Tacos and Koana's Heart

Late Night Call

G'raha's Recruitment

Gale's Blitzball Team

Non-Canon: G'raha's Preferences

AU: Recognition

Under Construction